About this campaign

COVID-19 pandemic caused a socio-economic crisis of unprecedented scale. A recent UNICEF modelling exercise for Uganda showed that unmitigated, the C-19 crisis could increase the poverty rates of the country from 24.1% up to 30.8% , and experts suggest that as many as 15 to 17 million Ugandans are likely to fall into poverty as a result of the current crisis.

The crisis has mostly affected the poorest children, youth and their families in urban and rural areas who were already vulnerable before, and getting even worse with Covid19: especially on loss of family income, poor health and sanitation in cramped homes, and rising food prices.

To address this situation, Golden Boots Uganda has designed The Back To School Post Covid19 project to raise school fees, scholastic materials and food stuffs for 40 children who often struggle to get essential supplies in normal times and may not be able to go back to school.

Use of Proceeds

The funds raised will be used to pay for school fees, purchase scholastic materials like books, pens, pencils, school uniforms and meals for 40 children through the year 2021.

Thank you for the generous support, Golden Boots Uganda will continue raising funds meet the ongoing challenges but to also build a “new” normal – where children, families and communities can determine their own positive futures.

To donate to this project, kindly click https://www.givingway.com/campaign/edf5fd to give online.

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